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Seek Professional Psychological Counselling Well In Time

Seek Professional Psychological Counselling Well In Time

In this modern age, most people die within more than on the outside. This means that a majority of the population around the world suffers from several forms of depression and psychological disorders. The saddest part is that they do not even know what is wrong with them and thus do not get proper professional help. However, if you detect such problems in others or yourself then do contact for the best psychological counselling in Kolkata. Perhaps only those who are associated with such patients of depression can cut a clear image about the threats of psychological problems.

psychological disorder

How to detect a person with psychological disorders?

If you see a person showing the symptoms given below, then you must rush him or her to a professional counsellor. The signs for depression and anxiety would be

  • Lasting sadness for no reason: a person can be sad for no definite cause and it occurs on a regular basis.
  • Rapid loss of interest in anything: losing interest in anything favorite can be a serious issue as well.
  • Maintaining distance from happiness: people who are severely depressed would avoid any social gatherings and keep themselves away from anything that makes them or anyone happy.
  • Lack of self-confidence: a depressed person would not like to do anything and lose confidence in himself easily. There will be a feeling of inferiority complex too.
  • Extreme mood swings: there is no saying about the patient’s mood swings. In one moment he can be sad and in the next, he would feel ecstatic.
  • Loss of appetite:if someone is staying away from delicious food or their favorite dishes then it is also a symptom of depression. However, it can also be a sign of ill health.
  • Loss of memory:since the person stops the proper intake of a healthy diet, it leads to a weak mental and physical health. Thus, this soon leads to a rapid loss of memory and the person is unable to recall recent incidents or vital information.
  • No zeal to live and develops suicidal tendencies: as the person feels that he has no hopes in life and finds no good reasons to live, he can easily develop signs of self-destruction.
  • Extreme sleepiness and laziness: the mind always remains tired and there is always a sinking feeling. The person is always sleepy and tired and does not do any productive work.
  • Trouble in concentration: poor grades and exam results can be a strong sign of depression in students. They might have a severe problem in concentrating on the lectures and studies.

The signs for a person showing psychological orders would beall of the above and also

  • Confusions: the affected person will lose self-confidence and that will lead to indecisiveness and confusion.
  • Extreme fears and phobia:delusion, undefined phobia and excessive fear of a situation are all symptoms of psychological disorders.
  • Feelings of guilt:there can be a strong sense of guilt or repentance in a person for an incident that he holds himself responsible for. If these are not assessed properly, then the deep-seated guilty feeling leads to serious mental illness and behavioral disorders.
  • Speaking gibberish:also continuous and undistinguished talks and mutterings under the breath can be early signs of psychological disorders.

Read More: Best Psychology Learning Centre in Kolkata

What must be done?

In such situations what you can do is to take the person concerned to a psychiatrist or a psychological counsellor. Early detection helps in arresting the severe consequences. If you are unable to find the best psychiatrist then the least that you can do is to talk to the person yourself. Most of the time listening to the problem can be a great cure. There are many centres for psychiatric counselling in Kolkata and you can approach them even over a call or online.

benefits of psychiatric counselling

Benefits of psychiatric counselling

Well there is an array of benefits of taking the help of professional psychiatric counselling in Kolkata. These are as follows:

  • A proper follow-up helps in preventing the person from sinking in depression.
  • It also helps in coming with terms with reality and getting over anxiety and other psychological illnesses.
  • The person can be prevented from committing suicide or making an attempt at self-destruction.
  • Once the person is healed then he can help in spreading awareness amongst others which in the long run will be beneficial to all.
  • Improvement in communication skills, behaviour, self-confidence, anger management and more can be noticed.


Address: Signet Tower, 9th Floor, DN-2, DN Block, Sector V, Bidhannagar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700091

Phone: – 9051472400

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