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The Different Processes of Psychological Counselling

The Different Processes of Psychological Counselling

We will all have to play the role of a counsellor from time to time. We give informal counsel to family, friends and coworkers on their relationships, finances, careers and education. A professional counsellor, on the other hand, is “a highly trained individual who is able to apply a variety of psychological counselling procedures with their patients.” In this blog, we shall tell you about what a psychological counselor must and mustn’t do, and also, the five stages of psychological counselling.

Counselling as a career entails: 

  • Developing a trusting and confidential connection with the patient.
  • Assisting the patient in seeing their situation and feelings from an alternative perspective, perhaps facilitating transformation.
  • Dedicated time set aside to address a patient’s challenges, stressful situations, or emotional upheaval.

The following should not be included in the counselling process:

  • Being critical
  • Giving advice
  • Trying to persuade the counsellor’s values
  • Encouraging the patient to behave in the same way as the counsellor would in their own life
  • Striking an emotional bond between the counsellor and the patient

Counselling psychologists, according to the American Psychological Association (2008), “assist persons with physical, emotional and mental health concerns to enhance their sense of wellness, ease feelings of distress and resolve crises.” A psychologist in Kolkata serves individuals from infancy to old age, concentrating on developmental (lifespan), environmental and cultural aspects, such as:

  • Difficulties in marital and family relationships
  • Transitions in education, employment and retirement
  • Managing illness and physical disabilities
  • Concerns and issues in education and the workplace
  • Managing life’s stressors
  • Mental illnesses

The stages of counselling process 

While counselling differs in both form and purpose, most counselling theories include one or more of the three steps listed below: relationship building, issue evaluation and goal setting. Counsellors and patients must be aware that the therapy process necessitates patience on both sides. There is rarely a quick remedy and sometimes things have to grow worse before they get better. Furthermore, the process of psychological counselling in Kolkata is collaborative. The counsellor does not repair the patient; the process necessitates connection and dedication on the part of both parties.

The counselling process consists of a planned and structured conversation between the patient and the counsellor. The counsellor is a skilled and certified professional who assists the patients in identifying the cause of their concerns or challenges, and then they work together to establish counselling ways to help deal with the issues that have arisen.

Stage one: (Initial Disclosure) Relationship building

Relationship development is the first step in the therapy process. This stage focuses on the counsellor interacting with the patients to discuss problems that are important to them. The crucial initial interview may set the tone for the rest of the process, with the patient using the counsellor’s verbal and nonverbal cues to infer information about the counsellor and the procedure. The counsellor concentrates on developing strong relationships and effective listening skills. When it is successful, it provides a solid platform for subsequent discourse and the ongoing process of psychological counselling in Kolkata.

Stage two: (In-depth Exploration) Problem Assessment

While the counsellor and patient continue to develop a mutually beneficial, collaborative relationship, another process is in the work: issue evaluation. The counsellor carefully listens to the patient and elicits information about their position (life, career, home, school, etc.) and the reason they have sought counselling for. Identifying triggers, timing, environmental factors, stress levels and other contributing factors is important information for subsequent stages of psychological counselling.

Stage three: (Commitment to Action) Goal Setting

Setting suitable and achievable goals, building on prior phases, is essential for effective therapy. Goals must be created and developed cooperatively, with the patient agreeing to a series of stages leading to a certain objective.

Stage four: Counselling intervention

This stage differs according to the counsellor and the ideas they are familiar with, as well as the patient’s situation. A behavioural approach, for example, may propose engaging in activities geared to assist the patient in changing their behaviour. A person-centered approach, on the other hand, attempts to activate the patient’s self-actualising propensity.

Stage five: Evaluation, termination, or referral

Termination may not appear to be a stage, yet the skill of terminating therapy is crucial. To achieve a happy finish while avoiding anger, grief or worry, drawing therapy to a close must be prepared well in advance. Part of the procedure entails reaching an early agreement on how the therapy will conclude and what constitutes success. If necessary, this may result in a referral.

While there are distinct stages to the usual process of psychological counselling, each step, except termination, may be continuing. For example, while formulating goals, new information or insight may emerge that necessitates a re-evaluation of the situation.

Therefore, a counselling psychologist in Kolkata works to improve personal and interpersonal functioning across the patient’s lifetime. This field focuses on people’s emotional, social, vocational, educational, health-related, developmental, and organisational issues.

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