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How to Deal with Stress Due to Corona Virus?

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The world today is a global city, together fighting against the deadly coronavirus. But how deadly is it: And how to best cope with the stress it brings with it? 

As humans, our brains are hardwired to seek answers. We always need to know what’s going on? Why is it happening? What will happen next? How will it effect me? Will I be next? 

Our mind constantly has these queries which leads to a lot of stress and unwanted feeling of anxiety. Corona Virus is a Pandemic it is highly contagious and it puts our way of life at risk. It may even be more scarier than a nuclear war or a natural disaster. Hence we must be informed on how to effectively tackle and combat the virus and handle the stress that comes with it. Many aspects of our life are being disrupted due to coronavirus. Coronaviruses( CoV) is a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from common cold to most severe respiratory diseases. 

What are the stressors and how to deal with them effectively? 

Fear of the unknown: Makes people anxious the unknown makes people uneasy because they feel things aren’t going according to plan, in an effort to take control of a situation, people may start to panic. As humans we fear the unknown and the uncertainty it brings with it. This can cause humans to become irrational, for instance in the news we are seeing hoarding of hand sanitiser, face masks, medicines, food, toilet paper, cleaning supplies and water. We are seeing falling prices of poultry and other meats due to misinformation about how the virus is spreading. There are Massive sell offs in the stock market due to fear mongering and panic of the unknown. There are things we can do to calm our nerves. Most importantly, arm yourself with realities. Staying checked out precise and the fundamental certainty driven data from dependable sources, as opposed to checking out the feelings of trepidation or bits of gossip, can help your emotional well-being immensely as of now. Data that comes by means of verbal exchange can get overstated and can be deceiving, causing expanded encounters of dread and uneasiness for some Between the alarming headlines and extreme measures meant to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the coronavirus can bring on added, unwanted stress and anxiety for anyone. There are several strategies that be can be effective to help one with or without a mental health issue to cope and navigate through it, while maintaining a healthy mental well-being amid the pandemic. 

This too shall pass: It’s not abnormal to get stressed, feel anxious and depressed when a global infectious disease impacts your everyday life. It’s important to remember that the outbreak will eventually pass and there are ways to minimize your risk and being affected, like washing your hands and practicing basic personal hygiene. 

Everyone is in it together: According to the scenario, almost all citizens of all countries in the whole wide world are stressing over the fear of coronavirus. Especially those who are psychologically vulnerable, it may have greater negative impact. This unprecedented situation is effecting everyones’ daily life. 

Don’t be aloof and isolated: Self-isolation out of fear can have harmful effects. It can cause feeling of loneliness. Keep in touch with friends and family via digital mediums. Seek help of mental health professionals if it gets overwhelming. 

Too much social media is not a good idea: Don’t get effected by every n=breaking news that’s pops on your television or Facebook wall. Don’t get hooked to the tv and moderate the time spent in front of your screens. 

Be mindful: Stay in the moment. Don’t get carried away into the next week by worrying excessively and obsessively today. Stay active and fit. Take a walk in the park which is not over crowded, meditate at home, practice some yoga. 

Stay alert and be safe: Finally, believe the reliable sources of information, like World Health Organisation( WHO), big media houses, etc. Be wary of fake news and rumours. Forward and share information only after confirmation of reliability of source. 

Be empathetic and supportive: Don’t fall into hate mongering, and blame games in this hour of panic. We should not blame certain groups or nationalities for this global calamity. We should stick together as global citizens and empathize with those most effected. 

In conclusion 

If you are from a city which is under lock down, or you or your family members are self quarantined, do not panic. Not all is dull and gloomy. Utilise this time for things you wanted to do, but could never find the time for: Watch that show on Netflix, Read the book that’s been lying on the shelf for months, Do the research you have been putting away. Maintain the highest standards of personal hygiene, follow WHO guidelines and act responsibly and stay safe. 



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