All You Need To Know About The Best Online Depression Counselling Centre

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  • Introduction 
  • What is online counselling?
  • Why take to online counselling services?
  • Accessibility 
  • Affordable plan
  • Convenience 
  • Embarrassment 
  • Easy communications
  • What must you do before seeking counselling?
  • Inquire with your friends
  • Set up an appointment with the therapist
  • Take note of your communication abilities
  • Read patient testimonials
  • Conclusion 

Online counselling is becoming the usual practise for providing critical services to youngsters such as kids and adults too, assisting them, helping in curing suicidal tendencies and other problems linked to a person’s cognitive behaviour. Online depression counselling utilises chat rooms, emails and webcams to assist individuals in resolving difficulties with the assistance of an online therapist. This strategy might assist the patient in feeling relaxed throughout the day. As for the best online depression counselling centre, it will provide you with all these facilities and several benefits. However, let us know a little more in detail about online counselling.

What is online counselling?

Online counselling is the provision of professional mental health services through the internet. These services are often delivered via webcams, chat or video conferencing. It is sometimes referred to as e-therapy, teletherapy and cyber-counselling. People choose web counselling in addition to traditional face-to-face or psychotherapy counselling. With the advancement of technology , the popularity of online therapy and counselling has grown. You will meet with skilled therapists and experienced coaches during online sessions who provide face-to-face online consultation with customers to keep them tranquil with their mental activities.

Why take to online counselling services?

Counselling for depression online has no office and the hours are chosen by a therapist as per the convenience of the patient. You are free to participate in live video sessions with a therapist to get answers to all your queries. Self-healing is the only way to reclaim your mental power, which is precisely what this online coach offers. Furthermore, you may as well watch sessions on your mobile device, desktop, Android, or iOS. To achieve the best results, you must contact a therapist and stick with him/her besides making the most out of these noted benefits.

  • Accessibility

One of the major benefits of internet therapy is that it is available to everyone, regardless of age or gender. You are all welcome to seek psychotherapy for depression, wherever you live in the city or the country. Physically impaired people who are unable to contact a counsellor for mental activities can participate in treatment periods from the comfort of their own homes. Online counselling has also been known to assist adolescents and young children.

  • Affordable plan

Many people believe that internet therapy is expensive but the fact is that it is extremely helpful for both the therapist and the patient. If you want to use services but are concerned about the expense, web consulting is far less expensive than traditional therapy. You do not have to pay further; all you have to do is pay for your therapy periods from the convenience of your own home. However, the therapist is more likely to have lower expenditures, such as no office rent, petrol and so on.

  • Convenience 

Online depression counselling is advantageous to both the patient and the therapist. It effectively removes the burden of organising visits with a therapist, which is a major source of frustration in traditional therapy. You may now receive depression counselling whenever and wherever you desire. Depending on your location, you may be able to arrange your appointment with a therapist over the course of 24 hours. According to a study, internet therapy is the greatest option for people who find traditional treatment to be an uncomfortable experience, such as revealing their concerns with an unknown person face-to-face.

  • Embarrassment

For people who are hesitant to seek treatment, internet counselling is the ideal way to minimise their social stigma. They may share their concerns, life experiences and difficulties with a counsellor, confidentially and comfortably without having to attend the counsellor’s office. This instantly alleviates a patient’s social humiliation since he thinks no one is looking at him. Because of these factors, internet therapy has grown in popularity and is now recognised by hundreds of individuals. This allows patients to receive the finest possible support without hesitation.

  • Easy communications

Writing messages via email, chat or other applications is the most common way to communicate on the internet. This permits patients and counsellors to become acquainted with one another. As a result, this personal interaction reveals a person’s sorrow, happiness and ideas. According to studies, this is the best technique for obtaining an assistant. They claim that writing about your pain and tension will help you relax and understand the true meaning of your suffering. Online treatment in the form of therapeutic writing produces outstanding benefits. Furthermore, having a documented record of arrival might assist users in the future.

What must you do before seeking counselling?

  1. Inquire with your friends: Ask your friends for recommendations on the best psychiatrist in Kolkata for depression for your reference list. If none of your friends have listened of the therapist, you can look them up on the internet. Find the best therapists in your area. Remember to double-check everything about the counsellor’s credentials and skills while conducting research.
  2. Set up an appointment with the therapist: If you have developed a list, the following step is to interview the therapist. It is an important aspect that you can not afford to overlook because you have a lot of questions on your mind. Inquire about his/her schooling, training, certifications and past cases that he/she has solved.
  3. Take note of your communication abilities: When speaking with a therapist on-call, you should first notice him/her since it is how he/she greets you. Is he/she eager to help you? Is he/she the type of person you feel at ease with? Simply examine his/her communication abilities to see whether he/she is a good fit for you.
  4. Read patient testimonials: Reading about his/her patients’ testimonials is one of the most dependable tactics you can use to identify the proper online therapist. Determine how many consumers use his/her services and whether they feel better on occasion. It can help you learn more about him/her, and you will be more confident in going to your treatment sessions.

So, the best centre for counselling for depression online will encompass all of these and make sure that their top services are meted out to you. Therefore, go ahead without any delay and seek this essential service for yourself or someone whom you think needs professional depression counselling support. Together with a counsellor, you can definitely beat the spells of depression. 

At MindYog we have been assisting patients with mental depression and treating them with the best of psychological evaluation processes. There has been a steep rise in our number of patients and this shows how depression is encroaching upon the minds of most people. Therefore, we are here to help all those who are in desperate need of our assistance and help with our best psychiatrist in Kolkata for depression. Contact us as soon as possible so that we can provide timely help to you.


I had been desperately looking for an online depression counselling session as I live on the outskirts of Kolkata and travelling is quite difficult for me. This is when I came across MindYog and I have been successfully fighting my spells of depression for over a year now. Thank You! I recommend MindYog to all. – says Miss Mohini Sutaria