Going to a therapist initially made me think what change can anyone bring to your life !! But today i can say that YES my life has changed . When i started i had no perspective towards life .. Its with Mindyog i started gaining perspective.. Having a really low self esteem it was she who taught me how to respect urself and to differentiate between the right and wrong.. Self worth is one of the most wanted quality which they gifted me with and i am still learning i wud say !! The most patient ears i have eva had and at the same time full of compassion and empathy. Even the stupidest talks of urs is important to them .. Yes i can talk to them about anything .. She understands me like a true friend ..!! Of those very few ppl in my life they are one of them whom i truly respect and thank for changing my life and making it better in every Thank you would be less but still thats the only word that is there !