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The Growing Importance of Depression Counselling Online and Offline Sessions

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Depression has become a part and parcel of life and the majority of you have been suffering from it, either knowingly or unknowingly. On days you feel tired and find it extremely difficult to leave the bed. The mind sinks with each passing day and fails to come to terms with normalcy. But how often do you find the need to get depression counselling online consultation? You know the answer deep within your heart but still fret over ‘what will people say’.

To help you, here we will talk about all that you need to know about depression and how professional therapy can help you. Take a look.

Signs of depression

The signs of degrading mental health are often neglected or desperately avoided. However, the present society has accepted the need for mental health counselling and doors are opening for patients with depression. Surviving with depression is trying, both for the patient as well as for the ones living around the person. Since times have changed it is high time that you give equal importance to healing your mind as you would do with your physical health.

In this regard, look out for these symptoms and consult a counsellor the moment you have a sinking feeling or notice any of these signs in yourself or others. Delay would only enhance the entire process of treating depression.

You might feel

  • Worthless and find that life is not worthy enough to live
  • anxiety, excessively emotional and always under severe tension
  • like not concentrating on your work or studies
  • unable to make any decisions, no matter how easy it is
  • excessively inappropriate and guilty out of no reason
  • a lack of self-esteem and confidence
  • easily irritated by others
  • intolerant and demotivated
  • You might experience these situations too:
  • extremely fatigued and complete loss of energy
  • changes in eating patterns like abnormal loss of appetite or overeating most of the times
  • changes in sleeping patterns, oversleeping or sleeplessness
  • losing interest in talking to or communicating with others
  • women will most likely notice changes in the menstrual cycle and mood swings
  • constant headaches, chronic pains and severe breakdown of health
  • loss of physical attraction towards your partner
  • Amongst others are:
  • avoiding social gatherings even with friends and family members
  • neglecting your favorite hobbies and interests
  • reduced or no productivity at work

For all these reasons, the sessions in depression counselling in Kolkata have come up with the best psychologists to treat the patient. Not only do they lend an earnest helping hand to all your sufferings but also guide you towards a better life.

Reason leading to depression

Reasons leading to depression

The signs and symptoms are all consequences of certain events that affect your life. The most commons reasons that develop a depressing situation or thrust you into depression can be any or all of these:

Disturbing situations

Untoward situations in both personal and professional lives are likely to affect and impact your emotional construct. Events like divorce, separation from parents or siblings, childlessness, unemployment, social embarrassment and others are extremely trying.

Loss of a close one

Not coming to terms with the death of a dear one has a huge and deep impact on a person’s mind. This is why many plunge into acute depression when they undergo a personal loss. The demise of a close friend, relative or family member unnerves the person and leaves him numbed emotionally. The situation worsens when he/she cannot come to terms with the loss.

Traumatic childhood

The separation or death of parents impacts a child massively. At the same time, if the child happens to face sexual or mental harassment, he/she will grow up with the dark patches in the memory. Owing to all these, the child is bound to suffer an inexpressible trauma.

Unexpressed anger

When you feel angry it is always wise to vent it out or speak up to someone about it. But that is not always the case and most people tend to gulp down the entire anger. As a result, the anger keeps on piling up and then one fine day it bursts out in the wrong way. Such situations can be extremely dreadful and leave you shattered and completely hell-broken.

  • Addiction

Addiction does a lot of damage and even when the addicted person wants to start afresh, the side-effects of the addiction get the better of him/her. This usually leaves the person in a depressing and distressful situation.

  • Physical ailment

Being a subject to prolonged illness makes the patient sad. The long medicinal courses also cause depression as a side-effect. The inability to lead a healthy life makes the patient extremely depressed.

A session of online depression counselling is sure to have great effects on the patient. If you are thinking of getting an appointment then do not delay any further.

types of depression

Types of depression

Depression has several levels and types. We have enlisted them, about which you can learn more and remain aware.

  1. Mild depression
  2. Major or clinical depression
  3. Bipolar disorder
  4. Postpartum depression
  5. SAD or Seasonal affective disorder

Why depression counselling is needed?

The online counselling for depression has come up with better services to those who remain constantly worried about curing depression. With the sessions available online you or anyone can reap the benefits.

  • View the positive side of life and see the world from a better point of view.
  • Renew your lost interests and find happiness in the little things of life.
  • Learn how to create a balance between work and life, deal with social harassment, talk about your problems, etc.
  • Face your fears boldly and recover from the pains of heartbreak, betrayal, loss of a loved one, etc.
  • Know that your mental peace is more important than your profession. So you should weigh yourself in a better light than your job.
  • Keep external worries at bay and sort out your internal conflicts.
  • Talking to your counsellor and see how you can improve your disturbed lifestyle.
  • Align your emotional construct.
  • The online sessions save you from the pain of answering people’s inquisition and let you take the session in peace at your convenience.

These are only a few of the several benefits of depression counselling and once the sessions start, you will enlist more benefits on your own. Since every second person in the crowd is suffering from depression the therapies have become extremely essential. Do not shy away and take the right path by choosing psychiatric therapy.

Make an appointment with the top psychiatrist in Kolkata at MindYog for depression and leave all your worries behind. We would strongly recommend you not to pay any heed to what others think about your availing of these sessions. If you or anyone that you know needs professional help, then you are being wise. In such a situation you should not prolong the matter and visit us at your earliest and get help from the best psychiatrist in Kolkata for depression.

Address: Signet Tower, 9th Floor, DN-2, DN Block, Sector V, Bidhannagar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700091
Phone: 090733 72300